US Bank Tower
Rm. 2879B, 633 West 5th St.,
26th and 28th Floors,
Los Angeles, California 90071
Let us help you take the First step towards filing your claim, Petition, or Complaint!
Our Services
At PrepNServe Legal Document Prep and Process Serving, we specialize and provide an affordable yet high-quality services to help you in your case (pro per or self- represented).
Preparation of Legal Documents for the following
- Small Claims
- Elder Abuse Restraining Order
- Domestic Violence Restraining Order
- Civil Harassment Restraining Order
Dissolution of Marriage or Divorce (uncontested)
Legal Separation (uncontested)
Summary Dissolution
Request for Order- Child Custody and Visititation, Child Support,
Modification of Child Custody, Visitation or Support
RESPONSE to Request for Order for Child Custody and Visitation, Child Support
Petition for Determination of Parental Authority
Uncontested Marital Settlement Agreement or Stipulation Agreement
Limited Conservatorship
- Guardianship
Unlawful Detainer
Preparation of the following:
- Notices
- Complaint and other initiatory forms
- Default up to Writ of Possession and Money Judgment
- Dismissal
- Answer
- Settlement/Negotiation
Process Serving
- Process Serving (Summons, Complaint, and any other legal documents)
- Stakeout (for evasive defendants/respondents)
- Skip Tracing (people search)
- Assets search (local and national)
- Collection of judgment
- filing your case, response, motions, or any other pleadings in court.
Typing Services For The Forms
- Judicial Forms and Declarations
Our mission and commitment is to provide a low-cost alternative to hiring an attorney by providing the best quality of document preparation for people who are representing themselves.
We help prepare all the forms for your eviction case at a reasonable cost (landlord and tenant side)
Disclosure and Disclaimer
PrepNServe is here to represent persons not represented by an attorney (in pro per or self-represented) in completing pleadings, forms, stipulations, orders, or judgments. We help you to obtain information about court procedures and other available resources. We can provide you with pre-printed and/or general published factual legal information that has been written or approved by an attorney, and published legal documents to help you represent yourself. You may also select legal forms according to your needs from the court’s website.
The general information we provide is not intended as legal advice about your request and expectation from the court. We do not provide and predict the outcome of our client’s issues or case. This also means that we cannot give you any kind of advice, explanation, opinion or recommendation about possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, strategies or options that you may have.
PrepNServe does not represent anyone and may perform typing services in a case. We can file and serve legal forms and documents as you specifically direct.
To All Visitors Of Prepnserve Website
We are not attorneys/ lawyers and we do not give legal advice. At your discretion, you make your own legal decision(s) pertaining to laws and procedures. We can provide you however, the needed materials approved by the American Bar Association and published legal documents.
If you need legal advices and or representation by an attorney, feel free to contact one.
PrepNServe shall not be held responsible and/or liable from any and all issues arising from your case or matter at present and in the future, no matter what the circumstances may be. The matter is totally under the exercise of your discretion.
California Code, Business and Professions Code – BPC § 6400
(a) “Unlawful detainer assistant” means any individual who for compensation renders assistance or advice in the prosecution or defense of an unlawful detainer claim or action, including any bankruptcy petition that may affect the unlawful detainer claim or action.
(b) “Unlawful detainer claim” means a proceeding, filing, or action affecting rights or liabilities of any person that arises under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 1159) of Title 3 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure and that contemplates an adjudication by a court.
(c) “Legal document assistant” means:
(1) Any person who is not exempted under Section 6401 and who provides, or assists in providing, or offers to provide, or offers to assist in providing, for compensation, any self-help service to a member of the public who is representing themselves in a legal matter, or who holds themselves out as someone who offers that service or has that authority. This paragraph does not apply to any individual whose assistance consists merely of secretarial or receptionist services.
(2) A corporation, partnership, association, or other entity that employs or contracts with any person not exempted under Section 6401 who, as part of their responsibilities, provides, or assists in providing, or offers to provide, or offers to assist in providing, for compensation, any self-help service to a member of the public who is representing themselves in a legal matter or holds themselves out as someone who offers that service or has that authority. This paragraph does not apply to an individual whose assistance consists merely of secretarial or receptionist services.
A new California law known as SB1418 authorizes non-lawyers to prepare legal documents for people doing their own legal tasks. Effective January 1, 2000, these non-lawyers, called Legal Document Assistants, may:
- Distribute to their customers legal materials that have been published or approved by a lawyer
- Prepare the customers’ legal documents under the direction of their customers
- File the customers’ legal documents in the appropriate courts
Contact Us
Physical Address
US Bank Tower
633 West 5th St.
Room 2879B,
Los Angeles, California 90071
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am – 6:00pm
By Appointment
Email Address
Phone Numbers
Contact #: (424) 450-3490
Fax: (310) 833-7240
(424) 533-9798